Blog Archives

We were lucky to see lions on a kill. But are lions disappearing from Africa?

We watched two lions work over a buffalo kill for 3 days. But we learned that lions are sharply declining in Africa – sad and scary news!

Posted in Africa, Eco-travel, South Africa, Sustainable Living, Wildlife behavior Tagged with: , , ,

In the African village of Hamakuya, we learned about life with limited resources

African village: we did a homestay in the Venda village of Hamakuya in South Africa, sleeping in a round hut of mud and cow dung, and eating caterpillars. It was one of the best times of my life. We learned that people can live with joy on very very little.

Posted in Africa, Eco-travel, Environmental footprint, Food, South Africa, Sustainable Living Tagged with: , , , ,

Female hyenas, all hermaphrodites, bully the males and steal prey from lions

Female hyenas are all hermaphrodites and dominate the males. They’re also Africa’s 2nd most powerful carnivore. See our photos and story from June.

Posted in Africa, Eco-travel, South Africa, Wildlife behavior Tagged with: , , , ,

South African Village Hopes to Benefit from 2010 World Cup

This small indigenous village near Kruger National Park is trying to transition to sustainable livelihoods based on eco-tourism and educational tourism. The 2010 World Cup may help.

Posted in Africa, Eco-travel, Energy-efficient housing, Environmental footprint, Wildlife, Wildlife behavior Tagged with: , , ,

Welcome to my new blog about sustainable living, wildlife, and eco-travel

Hi readers!  If you’ve been reading Veggie Revolution blog, this new blog will be more of the same, but expanded.  I started this new blog on WordPress because I want to have multiple pages, which is possible with WordPress but

Posted in Eco-travel, Food, Sustainable Living, Wildlife behavior Tagged with: , , , ,

Useful link to passive-solar builders

To learn more about energy-efficient, passive-solar and durable housing, see the beautiful homes designed and built by Jim Cameron and Kathleen Jardine at emailFacebookTwitterLinkedinPinterest

Posted in Energy-efficient housing, Environmental footprint, Sustainable Living Tagged with: , ,

What’s this blog about?

These days, I blog mostly about nature and wildlife. Even the tiniest creatures make me happy! You'll also find here lots of posts about plant-based foods, health, and ecotourism. Ecotourism can support local people who make a living through sustainable use of wildlife, habitat, and natural resources.

Amazon Page

My Amazon page shows most of my books (click here)

Archive of Posts


Link to our other blog, Veggie Revolution

Our other blog, Veggie Revolution, focuses more on food than this one does, especially the environmental, health and humane aspects of our food choices. That blog was started in 2005 and continues today, while the blog you're reading now began in 2009. Some of the newer posts are on both blogs, but Veggie Rev has at least 260 more posts than this blog, including Sadie's travels to Morocco. In the sidebar of Veggie Rev, you'll see links to each year that can take you back to all the posts for a particular year.

Veggie Revolution blog