Blog Archives

A review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s book: Eating Animals

A book review by Sally Kneidel, PhD As a biologist and co-author of two books about the meat industry, I was asked by Jonathan Safran Foer’s publicist to review Foer’s new non-fiction book Eating Animals. I confess I didn’t

Posted in Animal welfare / animal rights, Book review, Classroom Critters and The Scientific Method, Environmental footprint, Food, Health, Livestock, Sustainable choices for your home, Sustainable Living, Veggie Revolution (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Wildlife Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Second wave of H1N1 declining in numbers but not severity; third wave may be worst

Text by Sally Kneidel, PhD November 18, 2009 This post now featured on the front page of I talked with a knowledgeable nurse friend yesterday, a woman who takes care of the health needs of hundreds of teenagers.  She

Posted in Wildlife

The Most Dangerous Cases of H1N1

by Sally Kneidel, PhD As I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, my daughter and her boyfriend both had H1N1 recently. They both had fever, headache, severe muscle aches, fatigue, a sore throat and dry cough. They were both

Posted in Flu, Health Tagged with: ,

Students Assess Biodiversity of Africa’s Tiny Critters

A Great Student Opportunity In June of 2009, Ken and I helped out with a biodiversity survey in South Africa. Most of the researchers were undergraduates from universities in the U.S.  All of them had already taken a semester-long ecology

Posted in Wildlife Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

10% of Louisiana underwater by 2100, says recent study

The Louisiana coast in the year 2100, according to scientists’ projections of rising seas and reduced sedimentation. Note that New Orleans is far off the coast. Photo courtesy of Science News, 7/18/09. The residents of New Orleans have had it

Posted in Environmental footprint, Going Green (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Sustainable choices for your home, Sustainable Living, Wildlife Tagged with: , , , , ,

Livestock cause 51% of greenhouse gas emissions

All photos and text by Sally Kneidel, PhD, of and Photo by Sally Kneidel, PhD I read an article today that blew my socks off – it may be the most significant article I’ve ever read.  It’s online

Posted in Environmental footprint, Food, Going Green (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Health, Sustainable Living, Veggie Revolution (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Wildlife, Wildlife habitat, Wildlife survival Tagged with: , , , ,

Toad and lizard come to call

All photos and text by Sally Kneidel, PhD, of I had fun this week. To my joy, I was twice asked to retrieve or rescue a little animal in a bad situation. One was an Anolis lizard on my

Posted in Wildlife, Wildlife behavior, Wildlife habitat, Wildlife survival Tagged with: , , , , ,

Swearing relieves pain, new neurological study shows

So there is some merit in swearing. I remember as 9-year-olds, my best friend Tina and I had a hiding place in the woods where we went to “practice” the forbidden swear words we were learning at school. Looks like

Posted in Wildlife Tagged with: ,

New studies confirm that circumcision saves lives

Story and photo by Sally Kneidel, PhD, of I was intrigued by a story I saw in Science News recently about circumcision and its effect on HIV. Africa has been impacted by HIV more than any other continent. In

Posted in Africa, Health, Swaziland Tagged with: , ,

My daughter says black elderberry got rid of her H1N1 virus

My daughter Sadie, in her 20s, got sick a few days ago with a flu-like illness.  We didn’t figure out for a couple of days, after talking to a nurse, that her affliction was almost certainly swine flu.  Fever of

Posted in Alternative medicine, Flu, Health, Wildlife Tagged with: , , ,

What’s this blog about?

These days, I blog mostly about nature and wildlife. Even the tiniest creatures make me happy! You'll also find here lots of posts about plant-based foods, health, and ecotourism. Ecotourism can support local people who make a living through sustainable use of wildlife, habitat, and natural resources.

Amazon Page

My Amazon page shows most of my books (click here)

Archive of Posts


Link to our other blog, Veggie Revolution

Our other blog, Veggie Revolution, focuses more on food than this one does, especially the environmental, health and humane aspects of our food choices. That blog was started in 2005 and continues today, while the blog you're reading now began in 2009. Some of the newer posts are on both blogs, but Veggie Rev has at least 260 more posts than this blog, including Sadie's travels to Morocco. In the sidebar of Veggie Rev, you'll see links to each year that can take you back to all the posts for a particular year.

Veggie Revolution blog