Blog Archives

10% of Louisiana underwater by 2100, says recent study

The Louisiana coast in the year 2100, according to scientists’ projections of rising seas and reduced sedimentation. Note that New Orleans is far off the coast. Photo courtesy of Science News, 7/18/09. The residents of New Orleans have had it

Posted in Environmental footprint, Going Green (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Sustainable choices for your home, Sustainable Living, Wildlife Tagged with: , , , , ,

Ground beef: a risky choice for families and the planet

Story by Sally Kneidel, PhD, of The New York Times reported on October 11 that eating ground beef is still risky.  Well, yes, but what’s new about that?  Of course it’s still risky. Every now and then the media

Posted in Food, Sustainable choices for your home, Sustainable Living, Veggie Revolution (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel) Tagged with: ,

Plush Toilet Paper Flushes Old Forests

Americans’ demand for plush toilet paper is contributing to the disappearance of old-growth forests

Posted in Environmental footprint, Going Green (co-authored with Sadie Kneidel), Sustainable choices for your home, Sustainable Living, Wildlife, Wildlife habitat Tagged with: , ,

What’s this blog about?

These days, I blog mostly about nature and wildlife. Even the tiniest creatures make me happy! You'll also find here lots of posts about plant-based foods, health, and ecotourism. Ecotourism can support local people who make a living through sustainable use of wildlife, habitat, and natural resources.

Amazon Page

My Amazon page shows most of my books (click here)

Archive of Posts


Link to our other blog, Veggie Revolution

Our other blog, Veggie Revolution, focuses more on food than this one does, especially the environmental, health and humane aspects of our food choices. That blog was started in 2005 and continues today, while the blog you're reading now began in 2009. Some of the newer posts are on both blogs, but Veggie Rev has at least 260 more posts than this blog, including Sadie's travels to Morocco. In the sidebar of Veggie Rev, you'll see links to each year that can take you back to all the posts for a particular year.

Veggie Revolution blog